Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Bells Concert, Cholula

The Bells Concert, Cholula

Every year in Cholula takes place the Vaniloquio International Festival. Generally, it is in the last days of November and for three days there are art representations and expositions. There are concerts, presentations of books, ritual dances and, in some occasions, artists from other countries are invited. In this festival the most important event is the Bells Concert, which closes the Festival. In the Bells Concert all the bells of the churches that are near the center of the town are sincronized so they ring at the same time for about half an hour. The portals, in the center of the town, and in which a lot of restaurants are located, shut down their lights. All that's left is the light that radiates the candles in the tables. There's no sound but the sound of the bells. You can hear the concert in the center of Cholula where are the Convent and the Parish Church or walk over the proximate blocks to hear more bells of other churches. A good option is climbing the "Cerrito de los Remedios" where the Remedios Church is located. Besides the sound of the bells, from here you can have a beautiful view of Cholula with all its lights on. After the Bells Concert the fireworks fill the sky and the music begins. People use to go over the esplanade to see the handcrafts and also to buy some punch, bread, and typical food. Traditions, culture, gastronomy and history combine in this event which attract a lot of national and international tourists.

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