Tuesday, November 24, 2009

A wonder of the world in Mexico

As you know, in the last contest of the "New 7 Wonders of the world, Chichén Itza became one of them.

Chichen Itza was the capital of the Mayan culture, and nowadays is an archaeological zone that is located in the east of Yucatan

Here, you will be transported to pre-Columbian times to discover the secrets of its most important buildings: The castle or Pyramid of Kukulcan, where every year during the spring equinox occurs a natural phenomenon of light and shadow projected on the steps of the Great Pyramid, lowering the image of the "feathered serpent", an experience unique that attracts hundreds of tourists from all over the world; the Ball Game, the largest ever discovered in the region known as Mesoamerica, with 168 m long and 70 wide; and the Observatory or “Caracol”, named for its curious circular shape which recreates inside the spiral that identifies the mollusk's shell.

In Chichen Itza you can also admire the spectacular Cenote Sagrado, that is a large mirror of water of 60m in diameter, from which great treasures have been recovered: rings, necklaces and objects of gold and jade, and bones of young women who were thrown into the waters of the Cenote as part of offerings to Chac, the Maya rain god.

Chichen Itza is an ideal destination not only for those who like archeology, but also for those who enjoy history and the encounter with the great civilizations of the past.

1 comment:

  1. This Mohammed mansoor Akmal its very nice collection and helps me lot thaks

    Mansoor akmal
    E-mail: sallunaveed@yahoo.com / sallunaveed@gmail.com
